Juanita Roudabush of Town of Shenandoah asked Shenandoah Newz to share the below:



We have fielded several complaints regarding dogs running at large. We have also had complaints about dogs being walked at the Town Parks and not being on a leash.

We would like to request you help us keep your pets safe and remind the public of the following leash law in Town whenever pets are off your property:

Town Code Sec. 10-37. - Dogs running at large.

(a) It shall be unlawful, during all the months of the year, for the owner of any dog to allow such dog to go upon any public street or square or to go upon the private property of another person, unless accompanied and held in leash by a responsible person.

(b) Members of the police department shall have power to seize any dog found off the premises of the owner of such dog unless such dog is accompanied and held in leash by a responsible person, as required by subsection (a) of this section.

At this time we would also like to inform the citizens of the new animal laws that will become effective July 1, 2020. There are some substantial changes to companion animals that are kept outdoors.

The following are some of the major changes to the current guidelines.

  1. It will be illegal to keep a dog tethered outside;
  • If it is hotter than 85 degrees or
  • Colder than 32 degrees
  1. During a heat advisory, hurricane, or tropical storm and during a severe weather warning
  2. In addition, this law will increase tethers to 15 FEET and dogs must ALWAYS have a clean living area, food, water, shelter that is properly shaded, space to move around and exercise. All companion animals need veterinary care.

We encourage anyone with any questions regarding these matters to contact the police department at 540-652-8193. Below is the link to the complete Code of Virginia regarding companion animals.
